A downloadable Twilight Song playset

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Humanity built towers like prison bars, their shadows punishingly cold for those who imagine a better world. The world you know is modern, urbane, cast in cold light, but people and places fester and there’s bitterness and hate everywhere. This long night of history is dangerous and strange. And yet, dawn will come, one day, out of the effort of many millions. For now, in these years, the outcasts must make do with distant, messy, tentative signals across the night.

Who are you, then? You’re immortal. You remember when things weren’t this way. You want to work toward a better future, but the hate of those around you keeps you buried, incapable. You live among old humanity, watching the world go, waiting for dawn to come. This long night of history is dangerous and strange, but you will survive to see morning, and you’ll do what you can along the way. Even if it hurts you.

Midnight Signal is a pastoral weird horror playset for Twilight Song. Together, you'll tell the story of an immortal narrator in an oppressive place of unsettling strangeness and ordinary life, surviving through to the dawn of a newer, better world.

Wonders and horrors lurk beneath the earth and in the sky, in ruins and alleyways and public squares. The bonds of friendship both strengthen and sour in the long night of history. Suspicion and solitude often rule the day.

This playset contains new Season and Interval Oracles, as well as small changes to setup and play.

This playset comes in three versions in the .zip archive:

  • a full-colour 6-page rulebook and a separate, print-friendly file including the oracles and a play summary
  • Mobile Play Resource with both oracles and a rules summary
  • .txt files of the rules and oracles for screen readers
  • playingcards.io imports for Midnight Signal

You will need a copy of Twilight Song, the map-and-story game of pastoral science fiction, to play with the Midnight Signal playset. The full game is available here:


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Midnight Signal v1_0 mobile play resource.pdf 522 kB
Midnight Signal v1_0.txt 20 kB
Midnight Signal v1_0.zip 3.5 MB
Midnight Signal playingcardsio table.zip 16 MB

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